A sake company was using a non-phthalate food grade hose with barb hose clamp fastenings for product transfer to the blending tank and transport of 80°C hot water. However, the high temperature caused hose bending and collapse as well as leaks from the couplings, reducing production efficiency and requiring a change.
Worksite Improvement Case Studies
Pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and chemical workplaces
Semiconductor and precision instrument workplaces
Factory Equipment Hose Examples
Machinery manufacturing workplaces
The Food and Beverage Workplace
The Food and Beverage Workplace
Productivity improved by eliminating hose bending and collapse and water leaks from the coupling

The customer viewed videos comparing bending in TOYOSILICONE Hoses and pressure resistance and safety by coupling type, deciding to adopt a HYBRID TOYOSILICONE Hose and TOYOCONNECTOR. Hose replacement frequency went down and leaks disappeared, enabling stable production. The same products were likewise to be introduced sequentially to other lines.