The customer was using metal piping as drain piping for cooling a crane used to transport parcels. However, vibration caused by the crane moving created stress fractures in the metal piping, causing frequent oil fluid leaks that worsened the appearance of the crane.
Worksite Improvement Case Studies
Pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and chemical workplaces
Semiconductor and precision instrument workplaces
Factory Equipment Hose Examples
Machinery manufacturing workplaces
Machinery manufacturing workplaces
Eliminating oil leaks due to steel piping cracks caused by vibration, and making site operations easier

The customer decided to use HYBRID TOYORON Hose, which is flexible and resistant to bending and collapse. It also provides excellent bending in narrow spaces, and using the hose as piping helped prevent vibration from occurring. The customer also decided to use TOYOCONNECTOR as a coupling, hoping that it would be effective in preventing leaks caused by vibration. They have had no leaks since then and the product helped to prevent vibration, allowing the customer to increase the strength of the piping. The customer is pleased that the product has made site operations easier when responding to any sudden leaks that occur in the metal piping currently being used.