On a chocolate production line, a 38-millimeter PVC braided hose was in use. To comply with Public Notice No. 267 under the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare’s Food Sanitation Act, a replacement was needed right away. When they looked for food-grade hoses, they found a number of candidate products from other companies, but none could handle the oils and fat in chocolate.
Worksite Improvement Case Studies
Pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and chemical workplaces
Semiconductor and precision instrument workplaces
Factory Equipment Hose Examples
Machinery manufacturing workplaces
The Food and Beverage Workplace
The Food and Beverage Workplace
I want to change hoses to meet the revised Food Sanitation Act, but oils & fats remain a problem.

Four types of PVC food grade hoses that are compatible with oils and fats were in use, but HYBRID TOYOFOODS was adopted to prevent the hoses from collapsing and affecting the flow rate. The problem was solved by the food grade hose that supports oils and fats. In addition, the coupling was changed to one with very few level changes between the hose and coupling, improving cleaning efficiency and reducing the cleaning time.